dgp.gui.plotting package

The plotting package contains the backend wrappers and classes used by the DGP application to interactively plot data within the GUI.

The interactive plotting framework that we utilize here is based on the PyQtGraph python package, which itself utilizes the Qt Graphics View Framework to provide a highly performant interactive plotting interface.

The modules within the plotting package are separated into the Bases, Plotters and Helpers modules, which provide the base plot wrappers, task/application specific plot widgets, and plot utility functions/ classes respectively.

The Bases module defines the base plot wrappers which wrap some of PyQtGraph’s plotting functionality to ease the plotting and management of Pandas Series data within a plot surface.

The Plotters module provides task specific plot widgets that can be directly incorporated into a QtWidget application’s layout. These classes add specific functionality to the base ‘backend’ plots, for example to enable graphical click-drag selection of data segments by the user.


backends.MaybePlot = Union[ DgpPlotItem, None ]

Typedef for a function which returns a DgpPlotItem or None

backends.MaybeSeries = Union[ pandas.Series, None ]

Typedef for a function which returns a pandas.Series or None

backends.SeriesIndex = Tuple[ str, int, int, Axis ]

Typedef for a tuple representing the unique index of a series on a plot within a GridPlotWidget


