dgp.core.controllers package

The Controllers package contains the various controller classes which are layered on top of the core ‘data models’ (see the dgp.core.models package) which themselves store the raw project data.

The function of the controller classes is to provide an interaction layer on top of the data layer - without complicating the underlying data classes, especially as the data classes must undergo serialization and de-serialization.

The controllers provide various functionality related to creating, traversing, and mutating the project tree-hierarchy. The controllers also interact in minor ways with the UI, and more importantly, are the layer by which the UI interacts with the underlying project data.

TODO: Add Controller Hierarchy like in models.rst

Controller Development Principles

Controllers typically should match 1:1 a model class, though there are cases for creating controllers such as the ProjectFolder which is a utility class for grouping items visually in the project’s tree view.

Controllers should at minimum subclass VirtualBaseController which configures inheritance for QStandardItem and AttributeProxy. For more complex and widely used controllers, a dedicated interface should be created following the same naming scheme - particularly where circular dependencies may be introduced.

Context Menu Declarations

Due to the nature of QMenu, the menu cannot be instantiated directly ahead of time as it requires a parent QWidget to bind to. This has led to the current solution which lets each controller declaratively define their context menu items and actions (with some common actions mixed in by the view at runtime). The declaration syntax at present is simply a list of tuples which is queried by the view when a context menu is requested.

Following is an example declaring a single menu item to be displayed when right-clicking on the controller’s representation in the UI

bindings = [
    ('addAction', ('Properties', lambda: self._show_properties())),

The menu is built by iterating through the bindings list, each 2-tuple is a tuple of the QMenu function to call (‘addAction’), and the positional arguments supplied to the function - in this case the name ‘Properties’, and the lambda functor to call when activated.


The following interfaces provide interface definitions for the various controllers used within the overall project model.

The interfaces, while perhaps not exactly Pythonic, provide great utility in terms of type safety in the interaction of the various controllers. In most cases the concrete subclasses of these interfaces cannot be directly imported into other controllers as this would cause circular import loops

e.g. the FlightController is a child of an AirborneProjectController, but the FlightController also stores a typed reference to its parent (creating a circular reference), the interfaces are designed to allow proper type hinting within the development environment in such cases.


Concrete controller implementations